Investment services legislation aims to further enhance investor protection. This results in investors with more extensive information on service providers, provided services, financial instruments and risks involved. Investors are required to provide detailed information on their financial situation, goals, experience and knowledge concerning investing. Based on the provided information, we can offer the best possible products and services to each of our clients.
Insider register
The insider register of the company is available at Rautatienkatu 14 A 7, 33100 Tampere.
Financial statements
The financial statement and capital adequacy information of the company are available upon request from Obsido Ltd, tel. +358 41 468 6351 or mari.virtanen(at)
Sustainability-related disclosures
- Operating principles concerning sustainability risk consideration, Obsido Group Oy
- Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors, Obsido Group (consolidated statement of financial market participants Obsido Oy and Obsido Rahastoyhtiö Oy)
- Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment advice on sustainability factors, Obsido Oy
Tied agents
The contact info of tied agents is available at Obsido Ltd, Rautatienkatu 14 A 7, 33100 Tampere.